Local Party Advocates for Life

Champion of Freedom
Jun. 9, 2019
As media darlings badminton headlines across the net of the Roe, states throughout the Union have made a stronger stance for life. Now one local party takes up the mantle with a formal resolution in favor of pro life legislation. The Resolution was introduced at a press conference organized by Family Policy Alliance (FPA), the political arm of Focus on the Family, on June 13, 2019 [see below]. According to Cole Muzio, Georgia State Director of FPA, it is time we support the efforts of hard working legislators in Georgia by a public statement. Lisa Noel Babbage, the Gwinnett County GOP Treasurer and author of the resolution couldn’t agree more.
“Legislators are going to continue to come under fire for their stance on life,” she said in a recent interview. “If we do not back them up based on our own values, they may not be compelled to fight for the preborn.” Babbage began her pro life activism at the age of 17 when she initiated a silent protest outside of the Planned Parenthood clinic where she would late become a client.
“Our Constitution is being interpreted in ways that our founding fathers never intended,” she continues, “and that is why we have to stand up for the voiceless in our society. Every person deserves a shot at life and that is the freedom our nation was based on.”
Advocates for the so called Heartbeat Bill, HB481, signed the action into law in by Governor Brian Kemp this legislative session despite the vitriol this topic generates.
WHEREAS, The Gwinnett County Republican Party previously established the Gwinnett County Republican Party Platform in 2017, which states in Section 9:
We support equal opportunity for all people. As recognized by the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Georgia State Constitution, life is a basic right that extends to all people including the unborn. We oppose using public revenues for abortion and highly urge our elected officials not to fund organizations that advocate it using taxpayer dollars;
WHEREAS, Georgia has become a national leader in Pro Life legislation under Governor Kemp through the passage of HB481, known as the “Heartbeat Bill,” to take effect on January 1, 2020, thereby amending Article 5 of Chapter 12 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to abortion;
WHEREAS, The Gwinnett County Republican Party further supports Pro Life legislation beyond public funding to include other remedies such as the legislation that was passed by the Georgia legislature during the 2019 session;
WHEREAS, Pro Life legislation is important to aid in the interpretation of the U.S. Constitution and the Georgia State Constitution identifying life as a basic right, and as such, support of said legislation is the duty of all concerned voters and like-minded organizations;
RESOLVED, That this resolution to support Pro Life legislation expands the party’s stance in favor of adhering to the intent of the U.S. Constitution and the Georgia State Constitution advancing personhood as the paramount right to life;
RESOLVED, This resolution has the full support of the National Republican Party Platform; and be it finally
RESOLVED, That this resolution be posted in perpetuity on www.GwinnettRepublicans.com in a readily accessible location as a downloadable document.