We're Not Color Blind

Lisa Noël Babbage
Author, Teacher, Philanthropist
Aug. 25, 2018
“"People are of one race, of one blood. We appreciate the differences and beauty in people we encounter. We're not color blind, each of us brings a little something different; yet we're still one people." - Ginger Howard”
When the niece of America’s greatest Civil Rights leader decides to write a book on racial reconciliation, there is cause to pause. But Dr. Alveda King is no stranger to the limelight. She has fought not only for civil rights but has also been a champion for the cause of the unborn for years through Priests for Life. Ginger Howard first heard Dr. King speak at a pro-life dinner eight years ago. Since then their paths continue to cross through conservative radio partnerships, the occasional flight to DC, and through the Beloved Community Talks events. After an exchange of phone numbers, the two become bonded over the conversation of reconciliation.
Howard grew up in the rural community of Waycross, Georgia, where she led cheers for the Bulldogs. Now she is leading cheers for what she says is one of the single most important crossroads America stands before. Much like Alveda’s uncle, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Howard had a dream that led her to reach out to connect the two through the written word.
The book, which is due out late this year, entitled “We’re Not Color Blind,” expresses the joint sentiment that why the two acknowledge the pigment differences between them, they do so with the understanding that their color adds to the vision communicated by MLK years ago, which was ultimately spawned from a much higher source -that for all of our valuable differences, at our core we are the same. But humanity’s diversity paints a prettier picture, adding culture, language, music, and food from a variety of backgrounds - all uniquely American.
To find more information on the cause of the unborn, visit http://www.priestsforlife.org/